
Rent Firearms For Reenactment, Museum And Film

About IVR's Arms of War

Welcome to IVR’s Arms of War, where we know the significance of keeping history alive with authentic items. We also know that some authentic items, specifically weapons, are very rare and expensive to find. Therefor IVR’s Arms of War offers these rare weapons to rent for your event, movie production or simply display purposes for museums, for a fraction of the price it would cost to buy. We aim to offer completely original weapons deactivated according to European law. This means the weapons are 100% legal to use without any licenses*.  

(*For public events an eventwide carry license is necessary, the weapons themself are free to use. This does not apply to private events.)

Frequently Asked Questions

To order a weapon for renting purposes, click on the gun you want, and go through the steps. Alternatively you can message us at info@ivr2021.com

All items are 100% original. Except for items that are prone to break, cracking or ripping. For example leather carrying straps, some plastic panels, some optics. 

We aim to provide all EU Deco weapons with full moving parts and action for the most authentic experience possible on the field. 

Everything that is provided in this website is 100% legal. Non firing weapons like EU decos are 100% free to use when the area they are used in are privately owned, or if the event organisation has the right permits for public showing of these weapons. Blank firing guns will be legal to use after the right papers have been requested. This process will be started once the renter has provided the correct information. 

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